modular gas hob system
The 5 burners gas hobs are the most used and common ones. They have a simple, harmonious and seemingly spacious layout. In fact, it hides a problem: the largest burner is usually placed in the centre, and it is used for very large pots. 
It means that, when it is used, no other pots can be easily placed on the remaining hobs.

Therefore, the customer has to adapt to the product, the hob, while a good design should be customer-centred.
The idea for the new design has the aim of offering a simple cooking experience, making a versatile and functional gas hob for everyone, adapted to each situation. By making a modular burner, it is possible to adapt the hob to the customer. Moreover, by redesigning the single burner, an innovative cooking method has also been added: the Direct Flame.
Customization of the space by activating one of the 3 burner rings, for a small, medium or large pot.

The manufacturing of the product is reduced to 5 elements all equal, that includes burner and support pot.

Gas burner with direct flame (Direct Flame), to cook foods faster and with less gas consumption.

Thanks to the valves and channels system, the gas is guided into the three rings of the individual burners. At the moment of ignition, the peaks on the burner discharge the spark simultaneously, turning on the desired ring.
With a single knob, all the 3 levels (rings) of the burner are separately managed together with the intensity of the flame. In order to make it clear and easy-to-use for the customer, the knob was designed to use luminous signals to indicate which ring of the burner is active and the intensity of the fire through the light intensity.
Thank you !
Copyright © Sandro Baracaglia ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Mons Igneus


Mons Igneus

Is it possible to have both a modular hob that does not limit the position of the cookware and a sustainable design at the same time? The aim of Read More
